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该通史2013年获政府出版奖提名奖。2014年获得由岳麓书院、凤凰网、凤凰卫视联合主办的“首届全球华人国学大典国学成果奖”,名列集部第一名。同年又获得北京市第十三届哲学社会科学优秀成果特等奖。2015年获得教育部第七届高等学校bob综合游戏官网 优秀成果(人文社会科学)一等奖。

The General History of Chinese Poetry is chiefly edited by Professor ZhaoMinli and Professor WuSijing with the endeavor of more than 30 scholars to discover and introduce the long history of Chinese poetry, including not only the poetry in mainland China but also that in particular areas like Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao, and also poetry composed by ethnic group poets, from pre-Qin until present age. The book aims to demonstrate all forms of poems--- how they changed from time to time, and the cultural factors that carved the changes.

Published by People's Literature Publishing House in 2012, this masterpiece consists of 11 volumes, with approximately 700,000 words each volume, 8,190,000 words total, came out after almost 8 years’ diligent work. It has won several authoritative awards since its publication and becomes a must-read for poetry lovers, students and scholars specialized in Chinese poetry studying.
